Grupp: Huvudforum

Dagens buzz 26.06

2013-06-26 09:06:03

Inte bara Grekland bluffade. Italien bluffade för att kunna få EUR som valuta. Vilket dåligt beslut, bluffa sig till en valuta som på bara några år innebär en katastrof för landet.

2013-06-26 09:45:02

Gårdagens statitistikuppgifter från USA var fantastiskt bra. Märkligt att index inte stängde på dagshögsta:

Tuesday’s economic news brought us five reports – all of which beat economists’ expectations.

The day began with the Census Bureau’s Advance Report on Durable Goods Orders for May, which indicated a 3.6 percent increase for the month, beating expectations for a 3.3 percent rise.

The 20-city composite of the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index for April was expected to increase by 10.9 percent on a year-over-year basis. It actually jumped by 12.1 percent.

Similarly, the Census Bureau’s report on New Home Sales for May was expected to indicate a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR) of 460,000 new home sales in May from 454 thousand in April. The report contained an upward revision of the April total to a whopping 466,000 and an even better indication of 476,000 new home sales for May.

The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index was the shocker of the day. Economists were expecting the index to decrease to 75.0 in June from May’s 76.2. Instead, the index increased to an astounding 81.4 – its highest reading since January of 2008, when it was 87.3.

Finally, the Richmond Fed’s Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity for June was the fourth regional Federal Reserve economic report for the month which beat expectations. Although economists were expecting the reading to increase to positive 2 from May’s negative 2, the Richmond Fed’s composite Index of Manufacturing Activity for June jumped to eight!

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