Grupp: Huvudforum

Fingerprint FA - Del 51

2015-06-20 16:23:16

Här håller vi oss till fing diskussioner som enbart rör FA

Alla är välkomna att bidra med det som man fått fram, Fings prestationer och framtida möjligheter. Allt som ligger grund för att en TA.

Gruppen kommer att vara öppen för alla som bidrar med vettiga åsikter. Kritisk granskning är välkommet men skribenter med mål att förtala, smutskasta, insinuera kriminella saker etc. får göra sig en egen tråd att förpesta.

Här kan vi samla alla länkar, uppgifter kring bolaget etc.

Som en parallell tråd till TA tråden.

Länk till andra delar..













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2015-06-20 17:11:08

Huawei anställer i Lund – kontoret blir en 5G-hub

Förtroendekapitalet intakt och banden stärks som det ser ut. :-)

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2015-06-20 20:45:53

Jaha, vad har vi för spännande som händer i veckan? mobil släpp?

2015-06-21 14:58:47

Stockpicker rekar köp av FPC

KÖPREK ::Stockpicker rekar köp av FPC med riktkurs 180kr

" Därmed ser vi ingen anledning att frångå vårt spekulativa köpråd som nu övergår till en regelrätt sådan med riktkurs om 180kr "

2015-06-21 20:39:32

Here we go!


FING B | MID CAP | 131,75kr

Vi har under flera år följt Fingerprint Cards utvecklingsresa och ett par gånger valt bolaget till vårt Vinnarnummer, senast 2013 då aktien kostade 14,80kr, vilket sett till dagens kursnivå motsvarar en värdeökning på nästan 1 000 %. Utvecklingen understryker naturligtvis betydelsen av långsiktighet.

Samtidigt har strategin, i Fingerprint Cards fall, varit minst sagt utmanande då vinstvarningar demolerat uppblåsta försäljningsprognoser och då insiderhärvor samt falska bud prytt löpsedlarna. Detta har sannolikt orsakat gråa hår hos den mest inbitne byrålådsplaceraren vars övertygelse varit att tekniken och bolaget kommer att nå framgångar.

Under våren har vi däremot fått uppleva ett trendskifte tack vare en kommunicerad orderkavalkad vilket bevisligen är ett styrketecken om att marknaden nu tar fart och att Fingerprint Cards position är stark. Utvecklingen har resulterat i två omvända vinstvarningar, varav den senaste kommunicerades i tisdags. Då skruvades omsättningsprognosen för innevarande år upp till 2,2 Mdr kr, från att så sent som för några veckor sedan höjts till minst 1,5 Mdr kr. Prognoshöjningen känns naturligtvis omtumlande med tanke på att Fingerprint ifjol omsatte ungefär en tiondel av den förväntade försäljningen. Däremot framstår inte prognosen särskilt dramatisk beaktat att ledningen tidigare förutspått att hälften av alla smartphones redan under nästa år kommer att vara försedda med fingeravtryckssensorer. Det skulle i volym innebära omkring 750 miljoner enheter. Nyligen flaggade dessutom VD:n för att antalet kan bli än större då hjulen nu snurrar fortare än förväntat och tack vare Googles initiativ att införa stöd för fingersensorer i nästa Android-version, en given katalysator till ökad marknadspenetration för tekniken.

Räknar vi med ett genomsnittligt sensorpris på 3 usd motsvarar den ökade försäljningsprognosen en volym om ca 90 miljoner sensorer. För att få en fingervisning om att fler prognoshöjningar kan bli aktuella och att bolaget även under nästa år bör kunna upprätthålla en exceptionell tillväxttakt, hoppas enbart den befintliga kunden, Huawei, sälja 100 miljoner smartphones i år. Adderar vi prognoser från Oppo och Coolpad, vilka också finns på kundlistan, fördubblas antalet.

Frågan är då vad som väntar nästa år?

Konkurrenterna, förutom Synaptics, lyser nämligen med sin frånvaro, vilka beaktat avsaknaden av referenskunder förmodligen har en utmanande startsträcka att avverka innan de når Tier 1-spelarna. Detta indikerar att det finns en förhållandevis hög inträdesbarriär och att Fingerprint Cards produktmix erbjuder hög prestanda till ett konkurrenskraftigt pris. Dessutom finns signaler som pekar mot att Qualcomm kan vara tandlösa i deras satsning på ultraljudsbaserad teknik.

Därutöver har HTC, vilka tidigare använt Synaptics sensorer, nu valt att samarbeta med Fingerprint. Därmed framstår inte heller huvudkonkurrentens partnerskap med Samsung som huggen i sten, i synnerhet inte då mobiljätten generellt föredrar fler leverantörer. Mycket talar alltså för att innevarande års försäljningsnivå endast är uppvärmningen inför vad som komma skall och därmed inte heller särskilt relevant ur ett värderingsperspektiv.

Istället är det 2016 och framåt som lockar till en räkneövning, vilket av naturliga skäl inte är någon enkel uppgift, i synnerhet inte då förmodligen tekniken nu står redo att även erövra gränsliggande segment såsom tablets, laptops, wearables och olika datatillbehör. I volym motsvarar detta ungefär halva smartphonemarknaden. Dessutom finns smarta kort med lovande potential.

Då Fingerprint sitter med den i särklass bredaste produktportföljen och dessutom är bestyckade med en elitstyrka av forna telekomrävar från Ericsson ser vi inget slut på denna framgångssaga. Vi sticker därmed ut hakan och räknar med att bolaget säljer ca 250 miljoner sensorer under nästa år till ett genomsnittligt pris av 2,5 usd. Det motsvarar en marknadsandel på 28 % utifrån Gartners volymprognos för smartphonemarknaden och att 60 % av dessa telefoner är sensorförsedda. Vi estimerar således en nettoomsättning på ca 5 Mdr kr, vilket motsvarar en dryg fördubbling jämfört med årets intäktsprognos. Då kostnadsökningen lär bli rejält på efterkälken i relation till omsättningstillväxten ser vi förutsättningar till att vinsten per aktie skall landa kring 12 kr, med hänsyn tagen till full utspädning från utestående optionsprogram.

Det innebär att aktien handlas med en vinstmultipel på ca 10 för nästa års vinst vilket inte framstår som dyrt. Av erfarenhet vet vi att aktiemarknaden brukar överreagera, såväl åt det negativa som det positiva hållet. Nu är läget extraordinärt tack vare att Fingerprint skriver börshistoria avseende accelererationstakten i försäljningsutvecklingen där fundamenta via en vinstexplosion och starkt kassaflöde byggs upp. Vi är därmed inte förvånade om aktien fördubblas under den kommande 12-månaderperioden. Därmed ser vi ingen anledning att frångå vårt spekulativa köpråd som nu övergår till en regelrätt sådan med riktkurs om 180kr

Fingerprint Cards --- Ett avtryck i svensk börshistoria

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2015-06-22 07:29:55

#4 Trevlig analys! :) Vem skrev den? Länk?

Inlägget är redigerat av författaren.

2015-06-22 08:13:44

Stockpicker är en betaltjänst

2015-06-22 08:50:07

Aha... #3 och #4 hängde ihop... Tack psus! :)

2015-06-22 10:23:27

Analys: Vinstexplosion väntar i Fingerprint Cards

22 juni 2015 09:38

2015-06-22 10:24:57

Fingerprint: Stockpicker förutser vinstexplosion, köp, riktkurs 180 kr

(SIX) Aktietidningen Stockpicker förutser en vinstexplosion för

Fingerprint Cards.

"Läget är extraordinärt tack vare att Fingerprint skriver

börshistoria avseende accelererationstakten i försäljningsutvecklingen

där fundamenta via en vinstexplosion och starkt kassaflöde byggs upp",

skriver Stockpicker i en analys daterad den 21 juni.

"Vi är därmed inte förvånade om aktien fördubblas under den

kommande 12-månaderperioden. Därmed ser vi ingen anledning att frångå

vårt spekulativa köpråd som nu övergår till en regelrätt sådan med

riktkurs om 180 kronor", menar Stockpicker.

Joakim Johansson, tel +46 31 350 64 84 @SIXNews

SIX News

2015-06-22 16:02:00

Fingerprint sensors on their way to more smartphones

Cheaper sensors and broader software support will make fingerprint authentication more accessible to app developers and service providers.

Jun 22, 2015

Fingerprint authentication will become a lot more common on smartphones of all prices as sensors get cheaper—and Google’s integration of the technology in the next version of Android will make it much easier for app developers and service providers to make use of them.

Today, fingerprint sensors are mainly available on high-end models from Apple and Samsung Electronics. But that is about to change, according to sensor manufacturers Synaptics and Fingerprint Cards.

Fingerprint Cards has seen a growing interest in its technology from smartphone manufacturers in recent months, as well as a strong increase in orders. As a result, the company has raised its revenue estimate for the year from about 1.5 billion Swedish kronor ($185 million) to 2.2 billion Swedish kronor.

“This market is really starting to take off,” said Jörgen Lantto, CEO at Fingerprint Cards, who anticipates that half of all smartphones sold next year will have the feature.

Fingerprint Cards sensors are already used in the Ascend Mate 7 from Huawei Technologies and Oppo’s R7 Plus, which was launched in May. Synaptics, which makes the sensor in the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, is equally sure that smartphones with fingerprint sensors will become more popular.

“The market is hot, and the adoption rate across a broader range of products will grow faster now,” said Anthony Gioeli, vice president of marketing for Synaptics biometrics business unit.

Google adding native support for fingerprint sensors in Android M is a major reason why the technology has started to take off on a larger scale. The native support will make it easier for smartphone manufacturers to integrate fingerprint sensors in their devices. It will also make life easier for developers, who can use Android APIs to integrate fingerprint recognition in their apps instead proprietary ones developed by the sensor makers, Lantto said.


Fingerprint sensor components from Swedish vendor Fingerprint Cards.

Developments on the hardware side are also lowering the bar for fingerprint recognition. Prices have come down by about 25 percent in the last year, and they will continue to drop as volumes increase, Gioeli said. It’s already possible to build a $150 smartphone with fingerprint recognition, according to Lantto.

The launch of the iPhone 5s with Touch ID proved to be a blessing and a curse, at least a short-term one. On the plus side, it helped increased awareness. But many competing smartphone vendors wanted a touch sensor, just like Apple had gotten from its 2012 acquisition of AuthenTec, instead of the swipe sensors Fingerprint Cards and Synaptics had developed. It took six to nine months to regroup, Lantto said.

Beyond Apple and Samsung, many Chinese vendors have been adding fingerprint sensors to their smartphones. Huawei will certainly offer it in more future models, according to a spokesman at the company. Using fingerprints as opposed to PINs or patterns has proved ideal for heavy smartphone users, he said. Fingerprint Cards has recently added Yulong and Gionee to its list of customers.

Many of the more established vendors, such as LG Electronics and Sony, are still on the fence. HTC recently launched the One M9+ for the Chinese market.

Mobile payments will likely help fuel the availability of fingerprint recognition on more devices.

If Google wants its upcoming Android Pay service to take off, it needs to convince more vendors to integrate the technology. Allowing Google to offer the same functionality as Apple Pay. Just adding fingerprint recognition to this year’s Nexus smartphones won’t be enough. The same goes for Samsung. If the company wants Samsung Pay to be successful, more devices than the Galaxy S and Note products have to equipped with the technology.

2015-06-22 22:01:39

Source: First iPhone without home button on Apple's roadmap, but not before 2017

Monday, June 22

Apple is indeed working on a radical iPhone redesign that will ditch the home button, AppleInsider has learned, but consumers shouldn't expect to see such a drastic change to the company's handset within the next few years.

A source who in the past has correctly shared information about Apple's future product plans indicated on Monday that Apple is indeed planning on removing the home button from future iPhone hardware. But they cautioned that such a change will not arrive within the next two years, leaving it as a long-term goal for the company.

Much could change between now and then, including the effort being scrapped entirely. But it's easy to see why Apple would be pursuing a button-less bezel, as ditching the iPhone home button could allow for smaller and lighter handsets with an even more simple aesthetic.

Apple would not, however, ditch the secure Touch ID fingerprint scanner found on its current iPhones, which is embedded into the home button. For that reason, it would have to develop new technology that would read a user's fingerprint from elsewhere on the device, such as on the touchscreen itself.

That's exactly what Apple is planning to do, according to a rumor that surfaced earlier Monday out of the Far East. Specifically, it was said that Apple is developing touch and display driver integration single-chip solutions for future iPhones that would include a fingerprint sensor in the handset's display.

AppleInsider's own source reaffirmed that information, indicating that the company would like to remove the physical home button, but also suggesting that doing so presents technical challenges for the company. It's likely that finding a way to seamlessly integrate Touch ID into the iPhone's display remains a stumbling block for Apple, whether in terms of cost or just the limitations of currently available technology.

Apple's interest in moving fingerprint recognition to the display of an iPhone or iPad is not exactly a secret — the company has filed multiple patents in which it has described ways of accomplishing this. One filing from this February described a system that could capture multiple fingerprints at once, offering more enhanced security.

What remains unknown is exactly how Apple might address the absence of the home button, which is currently crucial for a number of functions beyond Touch ID, including returning to the home screen, waking the display, and accessing the iOS quick app switcher.

New input methods could be introduced that would replace the home button, such as the pressure sensitive Force Touch capabilities currently available on the Apple Watch and latest MacBooks. AppleInsider's own sources indicated back in February that this year's iPhone upgrade is expected to introduce Force Touch for new input methods, though obviously the home button will remain.

In a simpler solution, Android phones have ditched dedicated buttons by introducing digital input options at the bottom of the touchscreen, something Apple could certainly do with a virtual home button. There are also gestures and multi-touch, which Apple already utilizes on the iPad, with four- and five-finger gestures for returning to the home screen and switching between apps.

As for waking the screen, the recently released Apple Watch has a tap to wake function that illuminates the display with a simple tap. And with current hardware, the iPhone screen also illuminates when the lock button is pressed.

Ditching the home button does pose a risk for Apple, though, in potentially axing the ease of use of the iPhone. One of the hallmark achievements of the iconic device is the single button on its face, which allows new users to quickly become accustomed to using their iPhone. A new iPhone without a persistent hardware button might not be as user friendly for some.

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2015-06-23 11:01:29

Xiaomi Redmi Note 2: Leaked Image, Specs Point To Fingerprint Scanner, Metal Unibody Design

June 23 2015

The upcoming Xiaomi handset will apparently feature the long-rumored fingerprint scanner located under the rear-facing camera unit and LED flash

2015-06-23 14:42:24

Vi hoppas på FPC One Touch Inside hos Xiaomi !

Xiaomi ser ut att skeppa 35 miljoner smartphones under första halvåret 2015

I dag 14:40

Snabbväxande kinesiska mobiltelefontillverkaren Xiaomi kommer att ha

skeppat 35 miljoner smartphones under första halvåret 2015. Det kan

jämföras med 26 miljoner smartphones under första kvartalet 2014. Det

framgår av en rapport som Phone Arena tagit del av.

Under helåret 2014 skeppade Xiaomi 61 miljoner smartphones, något som kan

komma att överträffas under 2015. Vissa uppgifter tyder på att företaget

senare under sommaren kommer att avtäcka flaggskeppsmodellen Mi 5. Xiaomi

säljer ännu inte sina smartphones i USA.

Gustav Skogh

Nyhetsbyrån FinWire



2015-06-23 14:46:16

Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 release date set June 29: Killer specs similar to Asus Zenfone 2?

2015-06-23 19:48:37

Ha, `Von Plomgren, nærtståender 37 stk. ..forbeholdt FING insiders... lige efter Hamiltons bog.... :)

2015-06-23 20:32:04

Slakis, sitter du kvar i Fing? :)

Du kommer att få rätt med dina 200pix, hehehe, redan i år som det ser ut! :)

2015-06-23 20:44:09

The rise of mobile payment trend fingerprint recognition, but in the end it is safe?


The domestic mobile payment market is only getting started, only the first quarter of 2015, Chinese third-party payment mobile payment market deal size reached 2.8292 trillion yuan, Alibaba, Tencent and Jingdong on the Big Three are in force, have paid mobile added fingerprint recognition, fingerprint recognition technology in the end it safe?

It is reported that only the first quarter of 2015, Chinese third-party payment mobile payment market deal size reached 2.8292 trillion yuan, the chain growth rate of 5.18%. These data demonstrate gratifying mobile payment market looks promising, no one would like from a slice.

Who in the world have to pay the Big Three Ali, Tencent and Jingdong start competing in the field of mobile payments, mobile payments are usually traditional password authentication, some customers tend to forget the password, which may give the mobile payment brings some unexpected loss How to avoid? fingerprinting to help, I believe that no one will forget to bring your fingers, right? As of June 10, Ali, Jingdong and Tencent Big Three pay all completed their fingerprint on the layout in the mobile market.

Fingerprint recognition technology to join, greatly convenient mobile payment, claim to be in profit, driven by the rapid adoption of technology can be typical, some industry insiders believe that compared to traditional password authentication, fingerprint recognition technology is not only more convenient, and its security is also more high, then the fingerprint recognition technology really these insiders said so safe?

Mobile fingerprint identification technology brings to mobile payments although convenient, but security can not be ignored, fingerprint itself is unbreakable, but fingerprints must be translated into information to be used, and the fingerprint information is very likely to be illegal acquisition, which, before Google security master, expert security field Shuman Ghosemajumder in an interview, Apple tried to establish fingerprint cloud data storage center is extremely dangerous, but no doubt Apple in this regard will be advised of world-class security experts, he also mentioned the phone fingerprint 2:00 recognition should follow the principle: first, a fingerprint scan must be based only on the hardware, not by software activation or transmit fingerprint information to the software. If the device can be activated software, you can not avoid the risk of malicious code attacks. The hardware-based implementations will notice only software "fingerprint verification" or "fingerprint verification failed", but does not share any fingerprint data relating to the information and software; second, the fingerprint information is stored locally, its storage location must be very safety, this position must block access to the software, or hackers to obtain fingerprint information by cracking software.

We believe the use of fingerprint identification to complete mobile payment will be a trend, a growing number of mobile phones will be added fingerprint recognition, and fingerprint identification capabilities to bring mobile payment convenient, but also eliminates the pain of people remember passwords , but for its security, the need to pay attention to the community, of course, consumers also Needless filter, at least for now, its safety is higher than the password authentication.

2015-06-23 21:25:26

Såg som hastigast att Precise algoritm har använts i Google Nexus tillsammans med FPC1150. Alltså inte enbart med FPC1020 och FPC1025 som angavs i releasen angående Android M.

2015-06-23 21:51:19

Biometrics is changing the face of banking

Dubai June 23, 2015

Biometric will soon be the new norm in banking sector which will bring in a noticeable change in the mobile banking space, according to experts.

The implementation of biometrics in banking will be discussed here at the Middle East Banking Innovation Summit on September 14-15.

Industry reports indicate that the global mobile payment industry will witness an average annual growth of 35 per cent over the next four years and will reach USD 721 billion in 2017.

The new technology that will soon be the norm in banking is biometrics will bring in a noticeable transformation in the mobile banking space, a statement from the organisers of the industry event have said.

This technology essentially uses characteristics that are unique to an individual for identification purpose, and helps combat identity theft by replacing passwords and help in authenticating transactions.

While it is still in its infancy, banking institutions across the world are considering deploying this technology for mobile devices to offer a heightened customer experience and provide a secure banking experience.

A few of the global banks and financial institutions have piloted programme integrating biometrics technology - voice-controlled mobile applications, fingerprint identification and retina recognition systems - thereby allowing customers to access their online accounts via a mobile application.

An industry study forecasts that by 2017 over one billion customers will be using banking services through biometric systems and by the year 2020, biometrics will become the predominant identity authorisation method for accessing bank services.

2015-06-24 13:00:57

Microsoft Has Finally Solved A Massive Problem With Windows 10


Passwords are the single greatest problem facing most of us in staying safe online. Let’s be honest here, you have a password you use on more than one site. Perhaps you have a set of passwords that escalate in complexity based on how much you care if the service gets hacked. For example, your bank password should be, and probably is, a lot more secure than your Netflix account.

But Microsoft wants to make those worries go away with Windows 10, and for me this is the single most significant feature in the OS. In fact, it’s actually two features – one called Windows Hello, and one called Passport. Hello is aimed at letting you log in with biometric data, but it’s a bit more involved than that, and should offer pretty good security in itself.

With Hello you can ask your computer to recognise your face, but this isn’t the usual webcam login business that’s easy to spoof. Instead it will be tied to specific hardware which uses an IR camera, and allows Windows to make a detailed map of your face in 3D. The idea is, it’s impossible to just spoof by holding up a photo of yourself – something that was a problem for other facial recognition systems.

Of course other biometrics can be used too, like a fingerprint scanner for example. But what you use to log in to your computer isn’t the important thing here, it’s about using it with the security hardware built into a computer to securely log you into an account online.

It’s the logging in to websites that invokes the “Passport” feature. You might remember the name from a few years back, it was basically the name for Microsoft’s Single Sign On service which has since become just the “Microsoft” account that you can use across Windows, Xbox, email and Skype.

Microsoft is clear about this though, your computer isn’t sending your password or any data related to your biometrics. Instead, the computer authenticates you locally, then sends a public key which logs you in. Hackers accessing the public key can’t use it for anything else, it’s useless. It’s known as “asymmetric cryptography” or “public key cryptography” and it’s nothing new, but using it as a way to identify you to websites is a great idea.

2015-06-24 13:14:08

Opportunities in Global Government Biometric Systems Market Rising Owing to Constant Developments in Fingerprint Recognition Market Segment 2015-2025

The biometric systems market report helps identify the various emerging and declining market trends, along with the historical data and forecast regarding the overall market. According to the report, the global biometric systems market is expected to be worth US$4.4 billion in 2015. The market is estimated to increase at a CAGR of 8.70% in the forecast period 2015-2025 and reach a value of US$10.2 billion by the end of 2025. The cumulative global expenditure on biometric systems is estimated to reach US$73.3 billion by 2025

2015-06-24 13:23:09

På Tisdag 30/6 lanseras Huawei Honor 7 bestyckad med FPC One Touch Inside!

TENNA already confirmed that Huawei Honor 7 will be equipped with Fingerprint scanner underneath of the camera on back of the device. TENNA also confirmed about the metal body build by showing above image of Huawei Honor 7

Huawei Honor 7 : Metal Body, Fingerprint sensor , Kirin 935 and 4GB RAM Confirmed

2015-06-25 09:25:45

Var det inte nån här som var ute efter HTC One M9 plus?

Ser positivt ut nu.

2015-06-25 10:10:55

Microsoft has an ambitious goal for Windows 10: The company believes that it can install Windows 10 in 1 billion devices by 2017

"Microsoft's stated goal of 1 billion Windows 10 devices in two to three years is achievable, and strong interest from IT buyers bodes well for the entire Windows 10 ecosystem," said Sanjay Castelino, Spiceworks' marketing chief.

The reason why businesses are likely to show support for Windows 10 is two-fold: There's a lot of pent-up demand, and Windows 10 solves a lot of the problems that previous versions of Windows exhibited.

Since most businesses skipped Windows 8, the vast majority are running outdated software. Today, 77% of businesses are running the six-year old Windows 7 operating system. Amazingly, 44% still have the 14-year-old Windows XP installed on their business PCs. (About 29% of corporations run Macintosh computers.)

Windows 10 also has features that IT professionals are already embracing. The return of the Start button is the biggest hit, and enhanced security features help, too. Windows 10 features a new tool called "Windows Hello," a biometric password that allows users to log in with their fingerprint, iris scan or face.

2015-06-25 10:17:52

Huawei ökar med 46% jämfört med samma period i fjol

2015-06-25 11:27:30

En ny HTC modell med FPC One Touch börjar säljas i Kina

One ME, HTC's third Quad HD smartphone, launches in China and India

24 Jun 2015

Officially announced at the beginning of June as HTC's newest high-end smartphone, the One ME is now available to buy in China, where customers can get it for less than $500 (off contract). More exactly, the One ME costs 2,999 CNY, which means about $483.

Just like the more expensive One M9+, the One ME features a fingerprint scanner, and a 5.2-inch display with 1440 x 2560 pixels (thus being HTC's third Quad HD handset, after the M9+ and the One E9+). However, unlike the M9+, the ME is not completely made out of metal: it has a polycarbonate body with a metal frame around its edges.

Another thing that's different on the One ME is the processor: a 64-bit, 2.2 GHz octa-core MediaTek Helio X10. Moreover, the new HTC handset has a regular 20 MP rear camera, instead of the 20 MP Duo rear camera of the M9+.

Running Android Lollipop, the HTC One ME also features BoomSound speakers, a 4 MP UltraPixel front-facing camera, LTE, 3 GB of RAM, 32 GB of expandable internal memory, and a 2840 mAh battery. Dual SIM support is included, too.

At the moment, we don't know if the HTC One ME will be released around the world.

2015-06-26 10:06:05

Ny rapport avseende fingersensormarknaden som spås uppgå till 117 Miljarder SEK runt 2020

Fingerprint Sensors Market Worth $14,500.07 Million by 2020

The Fingerprint Sensors Market was valued at $5.5 Billion in 2014 and is projected to grow till $14.5 Billion by 2020. This market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.1% between 2015 and 2020. Additionally, in terms of shipments, the fingerprint sensors market is projected to reach ~10 Billion till 2020, at a double digit CAGR between 2015 and 2020. The rapid growth in the market size is due to the successful application of fingerprint sensors in smartphones, tablets, and other electronics consumer goods.

The Fingerprint Sensors Market report describes the market trends, drivers, and challenges with respect to the fingerprint sensors and forecasts the market till 2020, based on type, material, technology, application, and geography. It provides a bird's eye-view of the market across various regions such as North America, Europe, APAC, and RoW. North America is the largest market for fingerprint sensors and is expected to hold a major market share in 2014, with the U.S. occupying the largest market share. However, the growth rate of the North American market is expected to decline by 2020, with APAC expected to lead the said market. The market for fingerprint sensors in APAC is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 23.6% between 2015 and 2020.

The competitive landscape of the market presents valuable insights about various players in the Fingerprint Sensors Market. The fingerprint sensors market report profiles the 10 promising players in the market and further explains their business overview, product portfolio, recent developments, and key strategies. The market is witnessing new product developments and agreements, partnerships, contracts, & collaborations across the value chain between companies

The major players in the fingerprint sensors market include Fingerprint Cards AB (Sweden), Morpho (France), Synaptics Inc. (U.S.), 3M Cogent, Inc. (U.S.), IDEX ASA (Norway), Bio-Key International, Inc. (U.S.), Crossmatch (U.S.), ekey biometric systems (Slovenia), BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (India), Next Biometrics Group ASA (Norway), and DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH (Germany)

2015-06-26 10:39:18

Xiaomi Mi5 CAD shows fingerprint scanner

It is looking more and more likely that Xiaomi will release a Xiaomi Mi5 later in the year. Last month photos of a phone with Mi logos and alloy chassis were unveiled, possibly the Redmi Note 2, and now Weibo tipsters are showing off CAD drawings of another.

This Xiaomi Mi5 leak gives us a close look at a more curved profile, closer in design to a Meizu phone than any current Xiaomi. The design also appears to show us the locating for a rear fingerprint scanner, a feature many Chinese phones are now shipping with.

2015-06-26 10:43:06

Men snälla

-The Fingerprint Sensors Market was valued at $5.5 Billion in 2014 and is projected to grow till $14.5 Billion by 2020. (MarketsandMarkets)

Med en "Fingerprint sensors market" värd 45 miljarder svenska kronor FÖRRA året så får ju FPC's marknadsandel ses som ett totalt misslyckande....

Synaptics sålde sensorer för en miljard SEK 2014 så dom tar 2% marknadsandel. Undrar vem som har dom andra 98% ????

Och jag undrar var dom ca 1 MILJARD sensorerna som uppenbarligen såldes förra året sitter.

Snälla, finns det ingen som överhuvudtaget räknar på skiten.

2015-06-26 10:44:00

... och där dök det upp lite nya konkurrenter, iallafall några som jag inte har hört nämnas tidigare.'

3M är intressant, de är extremt innovativa, är stora och skulle kunna bli en stark konkurrent eller för den delen kunna lägga ett bud på FPC...

2015-06-26 10:44:53

HTC One ME med FPC One Touch Inside lanserad i Indien

HTC One ME launched in India

Thursday, June 25, 2015

From fingerprint sensor to octa core processor, the HTC One ME comes packed with high end software and hardware.

HTC has announced the launch of a new smartphone, One ME, in India for Rs 40,500. The smartphone will be available starting from June end in Classic Rose Gold and Meteor Grey colours.

The dual SIM HTC One ME comes with 4G connectivity and a 5.2 inch display with Quad HD resolution (1440x2560 pixels). The One ME also offers fingerprint sensor and comes loaded with Android 5.0.2 Lollipop operating system. The OS runs on the 2.2 GHz Mediatek MT6795 octa core processor and 3 GB RAM.

Storage wise, the HTC One ME particularly looks superb with 32 GB built in memory and a 128 GB micro SD card slot (According to some reports it is 2TB expandable slot). The smartphone offers a 20 megapixel (as per some reports it is 20.7 MP) auto-focus rear camera with dual LED flash light while in its front lies a 4 megapixel selfie taker.

In HTC One ME there is a non-removable 2840 mAh battery that claims to offer 13 hours of talktime. With dual band WiFi, WiFi Direct, WiFi Hotspot, DLNA, Bluetooth 4.1, NFC, Infrared and micro USB port, the phone offers plenty of connectivity features. There is GPS with A-GPS and GLONASS in One ME for navigation. It also has Dolby Surround sound as well.

2015-06-26 10:59:00

#29 Aldur, jag håller med dig, frågan är bara vad denna "Fingerprint sensors market" innefattar? Kan omöjligen vara endast sensorer som hamnar i smartphones.

2015-06-26 11:08:51


Dom har hållit på med det länge. Optiska sensorer för tex access control.


det är alla fingerprint sensorer, men det spelar ingen roll. Fullständigt osannolikt att det såldes fingerprint sensorer för 45 miljarder SEK förra året.

2015-06-26 11:14:18

#33 aldur

Ja, så är det.

2015-06-26 11:14:54

OK Aldur tackar

2015-06-26 11:38:26

Unia, vi kan ju för skoj skull jämföra med den här som kom förra veckan.

"Starting from a base of $249 million 2015, global mobile biometrics revenue is forecast to reach $3.5 billion by 2024, with cumulative revenue for the 10-year period totaling $17.5 billion. (Tractica research)

Där är totala mobile biometrics market (sensorer och appar) bara värt 2 miljarder SEK 2015 (ja, jag vet FPC har över 100% marknadsandel...... suck)

Dom här företagen lever på att pumpa ut "analyser" som ofta är sånt skit så man bara gråter. Kolla bara Tracticas lista på Key players inom "mobile biometrics".

2015-06-27 10:25:02

LeTv Max Hot markerad hos Alibaba

LeTv Max

Ser ut som Remall kör en flashsale med 30.000st den 7 Juli, kan bero på en extremt hög efterfrågan.

Inlägget är redigerat av författaren.

2015-06-27 14:44:52

SYNA har det tufft!

Analys från den mycket väl ansedda analytikern Brett Simpson på Arete Research Services

Downgrading SYNA to Negative ¿ Lower Fingerprint Outlook

Synaptics is pushing ahead with its plan to drive penetration of display integration, forcetouch and fingerprint to spearhead growth in FY16. But with Apple display drivers and Samsung fingerprint sales collectively $1bn of annual sales for SYNA ¿ or over 50% of sales ¿ we think it needs to meaningfully diversify now that growth prospects for these sole-source positions look limited. We have two major concerns following our recent trip to Asia. First, we see a lot more internal chip developments at Samsung reducing Synaptics¿ opportunities. For a start, we think Samsung is developing its own touch controller, targeting the GS7 (pairing up with its OLED display drivers), as well as the introduction of its own fingerprint algorithms for Samsung Pay. In addition, we believe Samsung is likely to bring in a second fingerprint chip supplier (probably Egistec) in September for high-volume low-end ¿Samsung Pay¿ models. As a result, SYNA¿s sales to Samsung could decline in FY16. Second, we continue to see no meaningful traction for SYNA in fingerprint with Chinese OEMs. Its challenges in fingerprint software have been well documented (i.e., we think it will continue to pair with Egistec¿s algorithm for Galaxy Note5), which has meant rivals have gained substantial design traction outside Samsung, particularly Fingerprint Cards. While it will eventually ramp fingerprint technology with other customers, progress remains slow and will weigh on FY16 growth. New competitors (Egistec, Goodix) are also now vying for new fingerprint business, particularly in China. We had thought Synaptics was in a sweet spot to grow sharply over the next few years, but instead we now are 15% below consensus EPS estimates for both FY16 and FY17. Given this, and the move up in the stock (rising 27% over the last 3 months) implying a punchy valuation at 15x our FY17 estimates, we are reducing our rating to Negative from Neutral with a new DCF- and P/E-based target price of $82 (12x FY17). While we expect Synaptics to continue acquiring in adjacent areas to boost its business, the market needs to reset on the underlying fundamentals, in our view.

Display Integration: Focus on China SYNA needs to build more of a sales base in China. With over $1.5bn TAM, we think SYNA has less than 15% of sales to Chinese OEMs today. As accounts like Sony, HTC, RIM and Microsoft continue to decline (where Synaptics has a healthy share in touch) and Samsung looks to internalise more in touch and display drivers, Synaptics needs to grow its business beyond touch controllers at Huawei, ZTE, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Meizu, etc. With Chinese display makers readying fabs for incell later this year (alongside JDI, LGD, etc.), we think SYNA will press on with plans to drive display integration in China, particularly given sales of its fingerprint business with Chinese OEMs is taking longer than expected. SYNA¿s move to litigate in the US against key Chinese rival Goodix (who enjoys ~40% of the Chinese touch market and is an early mover for both incell and fingerprint touch) is partly aimed at de-stabilizing Goodix¿s leading position in the region (it shipped over 200m touch controllers in ¿14). While the introduction of TDDI is taking longer than expected (display makers seem more bullish on 2-chip solutions for now), we model Synaptics¿ TDDI volumes rising steadily through FY16 to over 50m units, and potentially tripling in FY17 to over 150m units as the discrete touch controller market falls into secular decline.

Table 1: Summary Financials, FY14-'17E Ticker: SYNA Price at 18 Jun. '15: $101 Market Cap.: $3.9bn Target Price: $82 (-18%) DCF Value: $82 Year to Jun. Rev. Non-GAAP OP Non-GAAP Op. Pr. Mgn Non-GAAP EPS PER EV/EBIT Arete EPS FY14 $948m $189m 20% $4.06 24.9x 18.9x $3.12 FY15E $1,704m $271m 16% $5.78 17.5x 13.2x $2.81 FY16E $1,909m $281m 15% $5.90 17.1x 12.7x $4.89 FY17E $2,134m $327m 15% $6.85 14.7x 10.9x $5.76 Source: Arete Research estimates. Arete EPS adds back stock compensation from Non-GAAP EPS. FY June YE.

Synaptics: Sticky Fingers Semiconductors Rating: Negative 19 June 2015

Synaptics: Sticky Fingers 19 June 2015 2

Fingerprint: Slow Progress Synaptics has had well-documented software challenges in its fingerprint business. While management believe this is all in the past and they should ramp outside Samsung with their own algorithm later this year, we think delays in diversifying has crimped its FY16 outlook. With the upcoming Galaxy Note5 expected to continue using Egistec software (with Synaptics¿ chip) and Samsung now working on its own fingerprint algorithm, we think software prospects at Samsung are limited. For non-flagship segments, we think Samsung is also planning to introduce a second fingerprint solution from September (Egistec chip), limiting Synaptics¿ prospects. FPC has largely won all major fingerprint sockets outside of Samsung, and 2H guidance suggests it will be a market leader, shipping over 30m units per quarter. We see Synaptics selling 116m fingerprint units for smartphones in CY15 (almost all to Samsung) jumping to 150m in CY16 (70% to Samsung) or around 30% share of the total fingerprint market (ex-Apple) next year. This suggests quarterly revenues rise from $93m in the current quarter to over $110m a quarter in revenues during FY17. Within this outlook we assume Synaptics retains all of the Samsung flagship models, including the GS7 (where the spec is likely to be ¿under glass¿) where a number of rivals are also vying to get shortlisted, including Goodix. With Samsung typically shipping 100m flagship units a year, any loss of share in this segment with Samsung would substantially alter its outlook. The bottom line is that Synaptics needs to widen its customer reach quickly into CY16 as it has no real little presence outside of Samsung this year. In PC, we have relatively modest assumptions for fingerprint, assuming 20% notebook penetration in FY17, while forcetouch drives up ASPs. Overall, we assume the quarterly run-rate for PC revenues rises 50% over the next two years.

Pointing the Finger We are updating FY16 and FY17 numbers following our recent trip around Asia, with our detailed bottom-up breakdown shown in Table 2. For FY16, we are reducing our EPS from $6.88 to $5.90, with the main change coming from falling touch controller revenues and slower progress on fingerprint. For FY17 we retain our EPS of $6.8, but this assumes Synaptics maintains its sole source position for display drives at Apple, which is likely to see a major display spec change in 2H16 and potentially a new timing controller. Given consensus estimates are over $8 at present for FY17, we think the market has to dial back on its outlook for now. Synaptics¿ reliance on Apple and Samsung for over half its sales (and with over 80% of sales from smartphones, with high supplier churn) ultimately caps the earnings multiple for the stock, in our view. Despite dramatic growth via acquisition, Synaptics still trades at a low relative average forward-year P/E of 12x due to this (versus semis trading at around 14.5x) ¿ which we see unlikely to change. Given this and with our estimates at $6.85 for FY17, we are setting our price target at $82 (18% downside), which leads us to reduce our rating from Neutral to Negative. Our new target price is based on a P/E of 12x our FY17 EPS estimate ¿ Synaptic¿s average P/E over the last three years (our prior target of $78 was based on FY16 EPS), supported by our DCF valuation, which assumes an 11% WACC, a 20% revenue CAGR (to 2020) and an average 15% EBIT margin.

Estimates will remain in flux as Synaptics is widely anticipated to continue acquiring to bolster its business in human interface. Outside of smartphones, IOT is an obvious target area, where Synaptics has yet to devise a plan for addressing this market. As with many others looking at IOT, it lacks connectivity know-how, which may need fleshing out. We also think building a platform around biometrics (voice input, iris scanning, face detection), alongside authentication/security, are areas where its algorithm developments would make sense. With an appetite for transformative deals, Synaptics is likely to remain a stock in the spotlight, even if underlying fundamentals point to downside here.

Synaptics: Sticky Fingers 19 June 2015

2015-06-27 14:45:50

Det mest intressant som bör lyftas fram:

" Second, we continue to see no meaningful traction for SYNA in fingerprint with Chinese OEMs. Its challenges in fingerprint software have been well documented ( i.e., we think it will continue to pair with Egistecs algorithm for Galaxy Note 5 ), which has meant rivals have gained substantial design traction outside Samsung, particularly Fingerprint Cards.

While it will eventually ramp fingerprint technology with other customers, progress remains slow and will weigh on FY16 growth. New competitors ( Egistec, Goodix ) are also now vying for new fingerprint business, particularly in China.

We had thought Synaptics was in a sweet spot to grow sharply over the next few years, but instead we now are 15% below consensus EPS estimates for both FY16 and FY17.

FPC has largely won all major fingerprint sockets outside of Samsung, and 2H guidance suggests it will be a market leader, shipping over 30m units per quarter "

Arete bedömer alltså att FPC kommer att skeppa över 30 Miljoner sensorer per kvartal under 2015 ( Q3 + Q4 2015 ) vilket motsvarar ca. 1.8 Miljarder SEK !

60 x 3.5 $ per touch sensor i snitt x 8.4 SEK

Och så framtida försäljning:

" We see Synaptics selling 116m fingerprint units for smartphones in CY15 ( almost all to Samsung ) jumping to 150m in CY16 ( 70% to Samsung ) or around 30% share of the total fingerprint market (ex-Apple) next year.

Om Aretes prognos slår in då är frågan vem som tar återstående 70% av sensor marknaden? FPC måste ju ligga förbannat bra till för att ta minst 55%-65% av kakan!

Inlägget är redigerat av författaren.

2015-06-27 15:42:32

FPC Touch Inside?

Video: MIJUE presents their new T500 boasting MT6752

Posted on June 27

In the rear we have a 13MP main shooter and a touch-based Fingerprint scanner. The phone also supports dual-sim 850/900/1800/1900MHz, WCDMA 850/900/1900/2100MHz, FDD-LTE B1/B3/B7/B20 networks, everything is powered by a 3500mAh battery that if turns to be accurate promises enough juice for this beast.

The initial pricing of the MIJUE of T500 sits at $199, which is not bad if the they deliver all the promised specs, but not so attractive for a very new company in such a bustling market.

2015-06-29 10:47:13

Huawei Honor 7 lanseras i olika varianter, en med lagom spec och en med Highend spec. Det gemensamma för dessa är att båda kommer med fingerprint sensor = FPC One Touch Inside!

Huawei Honor 7 To Come In Multiple Variants With Different Designs

Jun 28, 2015

Huawei will release its latest flagship, the Huawei Honor 7 on Tuesday, i.e. 30 June 2015. We have already heard a lot about the upcoming device, including the possibility that there may be multiple variants. Now, latest rumors adds some more detail about this possibility.

Apart from the body and design, there are differences in the specs as well. The low end version is said to come with 3GB RAM and 16GB internal storage while the high end version will come with 4GB and 128GB storage. There will be 16MP OIS camera, 5.2-inch 1080p display and a 3280mAh battery on both the models. Other features include full network connectivity and fingerprint recognition.

2015-06-29 12:03:19

Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 will follow with a 5.5-inch HD display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 MSM8919 chipset, 13MP rear camera and 5MP front camera.

Also, there will be Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Pro

2015-06-29 17:39:17

Honor 7 : Photos et fiche technique en fuite !


2015-06-29 19:38:29

Enligt Oneplus facebooksida kommer model Two med fingerprint scanner!

2015-06-29 19:49:12

Enligt Oneplus facebooksida kommer model Two med fingerprint scanner!

2015-06-29 19:57:14
2015-06-29 20:23:35

Det bör sitta en FPC One Touch i denna!

OnePlus confirms that the OnePlus 2 will indeed sport a fingerprint sensor

" With the OnePlus 2, the fingerprint sensor is done right. It’s refined and lightning quick, unlocking your device faster than TouchID. The average person checks their phone over 200 times per day. If you spend just three seconds inputting a PIN number or pattern, that’s over an hour of your time gone each week. "

2015-06-29 20:51:49


Lyder klart som FPC...

2015-06-29 21:23:50

#48 Ja, vem annars?? :-))

2015-06-29 21:30:52
2015-06-29 21:36:43

Luktar definitivt FPC One Touch

" Guys, you guessed it right: the 2 will come with one of the latest and most advanced fingerprint sensors out there."

2015-06-30 08:47:32

Huawei Honor 7 stars in a low-res video

Huawei must be doing something right. It shipped 50 million handsets at roughly the halfway mark of this year.

2015-06-30 09:51:20

Lenovo med FPC One Touch Inside

Lenovo backed ZUK Z1 first specifications revealed

June 29, 2015

The ZUK Z1 will be their first flagship from the new sub brand, and will be up against the likes of the new LeTV phones in China, and will ultimately be compared to the OnePlus 2. Throw in the hundreds of other Chinese brands, and giants like Xiaomi, Huawei and ZTE, and ZUK will have their work cut out.

In a small presentation in China, ZUK announced that the Z1 will features a U-Touch fingerprint scanner/gesture control system on the chin, below the screen. It is not understood if this is a touch area or physical button, but we do understand that it will be used to unlock the device and swipe between screens and menus.

2015-06-30 10:56:43
2015-06-30 11:02:22

FPC Inside nya Honor 7

Fingerprint 2.0:

Faster and more accurate the more you use the more sensitive

Dual hardware security systems faster and more accurately: The first non-metallic ring is pressed fingerprint identification scheme, using the second generation of FPC fingerprint identification chip solution, enhanced fingerprint recognition algorithm (PFE mode enhancement algorithms), Huawei unique fingerprint to unlock the flow speed, unlock faster and more accurate (fastest 0.5 seconds)

The more you use the more sensitive: a unique self-learning function fingerprint, smart adaptive user fingerprint using various usage scenarios, the more you use the more sensitive

A means to pay: support Alipay, micro-channel pay, Baidu pay

Xpress Touch: Down Light slide fingerprint panel, you can pull down the notifications bar, and then double-click the fingerprint panel to clear notification

Camera interface long press fingerprint, that fast camera; press fingerprint, you can answer the phone, turn off the alarm

Privacy: File security cabinet, application lock, guest mode

Dual hardware security system, 360 Private security

Using ARM Trustzone technology, isolate all SoC hardware and software resources

Encrypted fingerprint information is stored in the secure storage area eMMC of RPMB, RPMB authorization and CPU bound encrypted storage, chip-level security solutions, hardware protection of private information

2015-06-30 11:30:16

Watch the Meizu MX5 announcement live stream here

30 Jun 2015

2015-06-30 12:02:26
2015-06-30 12:06:57

Godt gået FPC og modul tilverkere..

0.5 seconds respond time, er det man i kamera verden, kalder en snappi button,,

2015-06-30 12:09:19

#58 Grymt bra jobbat at FPC

2015-06-30 13:04:03


Huawei annonserade idag sin Android smartphone Honor 7, med FPC:s touchsensor FPC1025.

Ordervärdet från denna telefonlansering är inkluderad i FPCs

kommunicerade försäljningsprognos om omkring 2 200 Mkr för 2015.

Jörgen Lantto, VD på FPC, kommenterar:

Huawei är en ledande global smartphonetillverkare och vi är stolta över att

Huawei valde FPC1025 för Honor 7, vilket följer framgångarna med Huawei

Ascend Mate 7 som lanserades med FPC1020 i 2014.

För mer information kontakta:

Jörgen Lantto VD Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), 031-60 78



2015-06-30 14:04:38


FPC One Touch Inside Meizu MX5

Today, Meizu announced its Android smartphone MX5, featuring FPCs touch

fingerprint sensor FPC1155. The order value of this phone launch is included

in FPCs communicated revenue guidance of approximately 2,200 MSEK for 2015.

Jörgen Lantto, CEO of FPC, comments: Meizu is a leading smartphone

manufacturer in China and we are proud that

Meizu selected FPC1155 for MX5, its latest smartphone with a touch

fingerprint sensors. FPC1155 supports 360 degree finger rotation capability,

fast response time and industry leading 3D image quality.

2015-06-30 14:07:22

FPC tar alltså över kunder både från SYNA och Goodix




STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Den kinesiska telefontillverkaren Meizu annonserade i dag tisdag sin Android-smartphone MX5, med sensorbolaget Fingerprint Cards touchsensor FPC1155

Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.

Ordervärdet från telefonlanseringen är inkluderad i FPC:s kommunicerade försäljningsprognos om omkring 2,2 miljarder kronor för 2015, enligt pressmeddelandet.

Börsredaktionen +46 8 5191 7910,

Nyhetsbyrån Direkt

2015-06-30 14:10:05

Fingerprint Cards AB

FPC:s touchsensor FPC1155 i Meizus smartphone MX5 (Thomson Reuters ONE)


Meizu annonserade idag sin Android smartphone MX5, med FPC:s touchsensor

FPC1155. Ordervärdet från denna telefonlansering är inkluderad i FPCs

kommunicerade försäljningsprognos om omkring 2 200 Mkr för 2015.

Jörgen Lantto, VD på FPC, kommenterar: " Meizu är en ledande smartphone

tillverkare i Kina och vi är stolta över att Meizu valde FPC1155 till MX5, sin

senaste smartphone med touchsensor. FPC1155 stödjer 360 graders fingerrotation,

snabb svarstid och industriledande 3D bildkvalitet."

2015-06-30 18:36:38

Det blev närmast en straffspark efter ditt gedigna arbete. Du ska ha tack för det.

De andra närmar sig INTE, det är FPC som drar ifrån. Svart på vitt att det Lantto säger, det stämmer. Tänker då på hans kommentar till den s.k. analysen av Per L.

2015-07-02 08:05:18


STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Fingerprint Cards har fått en order avseende bolagets touchsensorer FPC1025, FPC1035, FPC1145 och FPC1155 från distributören World Peace IndustrialGroup som ingår i WPG Holding.

Ordervärdet uppgår till 268 miljoner kronor och är inkluderat i bolagets gällande försäljningsprognos för helåret 2015 om omkring 2.200 miljoner kronor.

Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.

Börsredaktionen +46 8 5191 7910,

Nyhetsbyrån Direkt

2015-07-02 12:58:44

Nogen af dem må være til IFA Berlin...

Angående ordre, man skal ikke glemme Mate 7 og Oppo N3, genererer mindst 300-350 mill. SEK. i 2015..

2015-07-03 00:23:53

Ser ud til at være begrænset , hvad NEXT kan løbe med af ordre i år...

Bliver spændende at se funktionalitet på sensor...


Production NEXT is now one of only three suppliers world wide having secured a TIER-1 design-win and able to deliver product in high volumes. With the custom-built coating machine installed at INNOLUX/Taiwan in Q2, monthly sensor production capacity is now 1,2 million units. The coating machine also brought production cost dramatically down, and the company is presently on track to achieve its 2015 cost-down goals.


Mate 7 producerer ca. 800.000 stk. / månedlig.

Tror det svarer nogenlunde, til hvad produktionen bliver, bare for Honor 7.....

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