

metod What everybody else knows is not worth knowing. You only learn something from those who disagree with you. Man was born to be rich, or, inevitably grows rich by the use of his faculties,Property is an intellectual production. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Wealth in The Conduct of Life (1860). love is the most special asset that exists, the only asset class in which 1+ 1 adds up to more than 2. (Paul Mc). The market can remain irrational much longer than the rational investor can remain solvent(Keynes). Modern service based economies dont make things any more. They just create wealth(unknown). If a cash shortfall ever threatened America's economy with collapse, the answer could be: Send government helicopters aloft to drop large quantities of money onto the center of every city and town in the country(Benanke). Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. (Keynes) The invisible hand is not just invisible but non existing as well (Keynes) Economists don't usually make speculators,because they think too much.(Paul Krugman). I would like to say to Milton: regarding the Great Depression, you are right; we did it. We are very sorry. But thanks to you, we wont do it again. (Ben Bernanke). Life is just the real form av will (Hitler). Endast ett manligt intellekt,förmörkat av sexuell drift,kan kalla detta förkrymta,smalskuldriga,bredhöftade.kortbeta kön det vackra! (Schopenhauver). Self interest i worth as much as the person who has it (känd men vill vara anonym). Conviction are more dangerous enemies of true than lies.(Känd men vill vara anonym). Ett hårt hjärta la Oden i mitt bröst.(En viking). You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." (Winston Churchill) Uncertainty is the friend of the buyer of long-term values.(Warren Buffett). Existence is meaningful only to the extent that the pain of existance ha a meaning(Deleuze).


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