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IDEX and BIO-key sign biometric mobility market ag

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2014-03-31 17:58:03

IDEX and BIO-key sign biometric mobility market agreement


Biometric software solutions company, BIO-key International, and fingerprint sensor manufacturer, IDEX, have entered into a license agreement that will see them collaborate to deliver a sensor-to-server infrastructure solution for consumer applications – in particular the smartphone, tablet and PC markets.

According to the companies, the software and hardware combination will be capable of delivering accurate, flexible and cost-efficient fingerprint biometric solutions.

IDEX's capacitive fingerprint sensing technology – SmartFinger – has been designed for mass market applications, and according to the company is ideally suited for smartphones, tablets, PCs and other devices. Meanwhile, BIO-key develops and supplies its NIST-validated fingerprint matching software and WEB-key secure multifactor authentication platform.

When combined, the companies anticipate the result will provide handset, tablet, PC as well as other device manufacturers and value-added resellers a highly accurate and efficient identity assurance and fingerprint authentication - both on device and in the cloud.

Gartner analyst Gregg Kreizman predicted recently that by 2020, 60% of all digital identities interacting with enterprises would come from an external provider, and fellow Gartner analyst Ant Allan predicts that by 2015, 30% of users accessing corporate networks or high-value Web applications from smartphones or tablets will use biometric authentication. This is the market that IDEX and BIO-key are positioned to capitalize on.

"The mobile market is rapidly adopting fingerprint sensors for convenient user authentication, leading to secure payment solutions and opening up opportunities for new identity-based applications," stated Hemant Mardia, CEO of IDEX.

Mike DePasquale, BIO-key Chairman and CEO, said: "With market estimates approaching billions of biometrically enabled mobile devices over the coming years, we believe this alliance will command a significant market share, and change the dialog about what biometrics can do for mobile identity trust and security."

"The consumer market for mobile biometric authentication is emerging quickly," said Jim Sullivan, BIO-key Vice President of Strategy and Business Development. "That market will rely on flexible solutions that can securely connect the endpoint fingerprint scanner devices into the existing Identity and Access Management (IAM) infrastructures that enterprises, mobile carriers and online service providers already operate."

2014-03-31 18:00:04

To BIO-key-produkter: WEB-key og fingeravtrykksløsning for IBMs ESSO (enterprise single sign on).

Løfterikt partnerskap for Idex

Skal samarbeide med BIO-key om ID-infrastruktur.

Mandag 31. mars 2014 kl. 13:51

Av Eirik Rossen

Norske Idex, leverandør av teknologi for gjenkjenning av fingeravtrykk, har inngått en lisensieringsavtale med BIO-key, et amerikansk selskap som leverer biometri til ulike typer ID-systemer.

BIO-key tilbyr biometriske løsninger for blant annet IBM ESSO («Enterprise Single Sign On»), CA SiteMinder og Oracle Access Manager, og har også en biometrisk løsning for webapplikasjoner, WEB-key.

Avtalen innebærer at Idex og BIO-key skal samarbeide om en «sensor til server»-infrastrukturløsning for brukerapplikasjoner. Løsningen skal kunne brukes for autentisering både mot fysiske klienter – smartmobil, nettbrett, pc – og mot tjenester i nettskyen.

Idex bidrar med sine fingeravtrykkssensorer og gjenkjenningsalgoritmer. BIO-key bidrar med flerfaktor autentisering.

Partene mener de vil kunne kombinere program- og maskinvare for å utvikle løsninger som er mer nøyaktige, mer smidige og mer kosteffektive enn det markedet har tilgang på i dag. De vil også være i stand til å dekke flere brukerplattformer enn tilfellet er i dag.

Toppsjef i Idex, Hemant Mardia, sier kombinasjonen skaper et «potensial for betydelige verdiøkende tjenester». Slike tjenester skal utvikles i samarbeid med «ledende kunder i markedet».

Han viser til to spådommer fra analyseselskapet Gartner.

Den ene ser på trenden der bedrifter i stadig større grad tyr til eksterne leverandører for å håndtere digitale identiteter. Gartner tror at innen 2020 vil 60 prosent av alle bedrifter ha valgt en ekstern leverandør av ID-tjenester.

Den andre trenden er at biometri i stadig større grad vil legges til grunn for ID-løsninger til bedriftsnettverk. Gartner tror at innen 2015 til 30 prosent av brukere av bedriftsnettverk eller av webtjenester med høy verdi, benytte biometrisk autentisering fra sine smartmobiler og nettbrett

2014-04-01 20:28:39

"BIO-key® International, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2013 Financial Results

Our recent partnership with IDEX promises to put BIO-key technologies on mobile phones in the United States and abroad. We believe we are one of the only core fingerprint technology developers that can perform both cloud and on-device authentication and we may be the only biometric vendor that currently integrates to most of the popular security infrastructure solutions used by enterprises and governments worldwide."

2014 First Quarter Outlook

For the First Quarter of 2014, the Company expects revenue between $1.2 million and $1.4 million. Gross margin is expected to exceed 85%. The Company expects to generate operating income and net profit for the quarter. Further, the Company expects to exit the first quarter with a modest sales backlog. The pipeline value was approximately $12 million at the beginning of the quarter and approximately $15 million at quarter-end.

Inlägget är redigerat av författaren.

2014-04-01 21:03:45

2014-04-03 23:48:12
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